My Letter To The Editor of the DAR

May 01, 2012

For those that do not get the Daily American Republic, the following letter appeared in today’s newspaper (5/1/2012) regarding our City Manager actively campaigning this past City Council election cycle. The final sentence wraps up the letter:

But the core question must be asked: Do City Council members have to align their vote with Bagby or risk the power of City Hall campaigning against them in April?


The Opinion page of April 1, 2012, contained a half-page opinion by City Manager Doug Bagby. The DAR obviously accepted this letter in his official capacity as City Manager by posting his photo and title. Plus, average citizens are not typically allotted a half-page for their opinion.

The final paragraph from Bagby read, “I consider both candidates as personal friends…. Again, in my opinion the statements made in the ‘Brannum Banner Press’ concerning the utilities, police and fire departments are inaccurate.”

Mr. Brannum responded, “…to be so arrogant to think as a city employee [Bagby] has the right and obligation to influence an election 48 hours before the polls open…shows he just doesn’t understand his job and responsibilities.”

Mr. Bagby is well aware that our City’s Statutes prohibit him from political statements:

No employee of the City shall use or threaten to use his/her influence favoring or opposing any candidate for political office; nor use any municipal facilities, supplies or equipment for political purposes; nor shall any employee engage in any political activities while on duty as a City employee or make any political statement…  Section 120.110

Your readers can draw their own conclusions but in my opinion the bully pulpit of City Hall was abused: Bagby violated the law by engaging himself in a political race as City Manager.

But other questions need to be asked Mr. Bagby: Were municipal facilities used: did he use a city computer, printer, fax or email for his Letter to the Editor? How else did he attempt to sway this election? Did he help secure locations for yard signs supporting Edington?

Surely Mr. Bagby didn’t call City employees and other citizens in Ward 2 on Election Day in an effort to garner more votes for Edington.

But the core question must be asked: Do City Council members have to align their vote with Bagby or risk the power of City Hall campaigning against them in April?

  1. Larry

    It just shows that all we have been saying about him is true. Corruption spills from everything he does. We need to throw Bagby out on his Arse! And give him a swift kick in the gut just in case he doesnt get the hint!

  2. James

    Hi Brian, since you so sarcasticly decided to refund my $52.00 you stole from me, I decided to start a list..I have quite a few names on it. Including one person who you took $149.00 from. I dont think that someone like you needs to be in our town..When I get enogh signitures ill present them to the city. I would have just given the guy his money, but you decided to be sarcastic and I hate that. Im siding with the city. You dont belong here!

  3. jerry mcdowell

    lol keep stirring may be it will boil over…. i like your style