22nd Annual NRA Banquet
Poplar Bluff, Mo. – The Friends of the NRA held their 22nd Annual Fundraising Banquet Saturday at Poplar Bluff’s Black River Coliseum.
Albert Boeving, one of the organizers of the event, noted that this year’s event set a record in terms of the net amount raised per attendee.
“Our attendance was down slightly because of many competing events going on this weekend,” said Boeving. “But we actually set a record with the amount of money raised per attendee.” The event netted over $75,000 and attracted about 550 attendees.
The event included social time and a live auction of several items. Over 90 guns were won in raffles or bought by attendees at the event.
“Really, it is amazing that we manage to do this event with a very small volunteer committee,” said Boeving. He said that the group is always looking for more volunteers to help with this fundraiser and with other activities the group sponsors.
Boeving explained that the money raised basically goes to gun and shooting and education, and much of it goes to area civic and youth groups which teach shooting as a sport, or gun safety programs. He said he would be happy to talk to anyone interested in volunteering with the group. He can be reached at 573.718.9994.
He wanted to take the opportunity to especially thank Russell Stover, one of the volunteers whom he noted did a lot of work to make this event successful.
Through these kinds of events, Boeving noted that over $3 million has been raised statewide. This local group has, by itself, raised over $1 million. Half of all the funds raised at this event stay in Missouri.