4-H Learning by Doing Programs Huge Success

This summer 4-H ran a 9 week summer program for ages 5-18. Each Monday youth came to Poplar Bluff to participate in life skill building classes. The cost of classes were $5 each week or $40 for all 9 weeks. Youth were able to participate in robotics, geocaching, arts and crafts, cake decorating, electricity, gardening, healthy living, photography and scrapbooking. All of these activities are part of the 4-H program. In 4-H youth can join clubs in the area and participate in a variety or projects each month. In Butler County there are clubs in Poplar Bluff, Neelyville, Rombauer, Fisk, and Qulin. If you are interested in getting your child involved in 4-H please contact the University of Missouri Extension Butler County office at 573-686-8064 or stop by at 222 N Broadway in Poplar Bluff. Cost is $25 to join 4-H for an entire year!