It's My Fault...Not Pujols'!

Apr 03, 2009

I heard a statistic reported on the radio the other day that 30% of Americans believe that Entertainers and Pro Athletes should not make more than $1,000,000 a year.

Kentucky’s new head coach is to be paid $4,000,000 a year for the next eight years which pales in comparison to Pujols who gets paid $16,000,000 a year to play baseball. Pujols gets left in the dark when compared to the $58,000,000 Wil Smith reportedly received from the movie Hancock.

It’s not Pujols’ or Smith’s fault that they make all that money. It’s my fault! I paid to watch that movie. I paid for five sets of tickets to this seasons’ Cardinals games. So it’s my fault that these athletes and actors are paid so much money.

I can guarantee you this: If we didn’t buy tickets to shows and games, the salaries would fall.

So the next time you hear someone complaining about the high-salary of athletes and actors…just tell them it’s my fault. That is…unless you share the blame.

Heck, for that matter, 30% of Americans probably don’t even go to ball games and movies.

  1. Ray

    LMAO!!!!! you have got to be kidding me , pujols makes 16 mill. a year , for what?

  2. teacher creature

    Unfortunately, for some people, their lives are devoid of “excitement.” As for me, I stay perhaps too involved in the lives of my children and my students–attending their sports events, concerts, piano and dance recitals, gymnastics exhibitions, to say nothing of my and my family’s involvement in church activities. My life is far from boring. Sometimes, I wish it weren’t so involved. And, yes, I would love to attend a Cardinal baseball game, but we can’t afford the tickets, plus the other “requirements” of the trip–gas, food, souvenirs, etc. The tickets we could possibly afford would be in the nosebleed section–and, shoot, I can see better than that if I watch the game on TV (I know, I miss the ambience of actually being at the game, but…). I will admit to renting videos–but I can’t remember the last time we actually “went” to a movie. My 17-year-old and his friends avoid boredom by yes, playing video games (usually Halo or Call to Duty), but also by playing baseball, basketball, football on a pickup basis — they even play board games such as Scrabble and Monopoly — AND they are the popular kids at school. I do enjoy watching Albert play, also enjoy anything Will Smith is in, so I am guilty also of contributing to their outrageous salaries, since a portion of my satellite TV bill goes to support the Cardinals on TV as well as a portion of my video rental fee goes to pay Will’s residuals. So, then, shame on me. But I can be just as easily entertained by reading an exciting book.

  3. John Payne

    Bravo for understanding how a market economy is supposed to function! Too few in our society do, which, especially in these economically troubled times, leads me to worry about the future of the free market.

  4. Randy Renfro

    “Hero Worshipping” in this country has become a national pasttime. Our own lives are so devoid of things that make us feel good about ourselves that we live vicariously through athletes, actors, and people who are celebrities for dubious reasons (ie: Paris Hilton!).
    The entertainment industries such as movies, television, sports, NASCAR, pro-wrestling, video games, etc., also serve to remove us from our boring, uninvolved lives. We need these things so badly that we are willing to pay through the nose to have access to them and the money-grubbing profiteers are taking advantage of us in every conceivable way.
    While we struggle from paycheck to paycheck, willingly deverting much of our hard-earned money to these welcomed distractions, the likes of Jim Carrey, Pujols, Will Smith and Mylie Cyrus are getting disgustingly rich. We’ve been purposefully addicted and continue to bleed money to pay for our addiction. Shame on them and shame on us!