Sad News for Our Area: Nordyne Plant Closing

Sources reported today that the employees of Nordyne were told today at 3pm that they would be pulling out of Poplar Bluff sometime in early 2014…killing 300 jobs for our area. The economic impact of Nordyne to our local economy is over $15M annually.
I spoke to one businessman who said, “I’m a glass-half full type of guy. Who knows what new opportunities will come as a result of this loss.”
But, speculation has already begun that Nordyne’s announcement will cause Mernard’s to pull out of their plans to build on the north side of PB.
And many in PB are shaking their head wondering why $100M has been committed to north Poplar Bluff development when little attention has been spent making sure that the businesses and industry that are already here stay here.
Nordyne has committed treason to the american worker.this is so wrong