McVey Chides And Laughs At Citizen

Apr 04, 2014

Is this how you want your representative to treat the citizens who come to speak at City Council?


  1. Lonnie Frye

    I recently moved to Poplar Bluff, the city still owned the cable and internet, and I subscribed to cable and internet and when we tried to stream movies from Netflix or watch a tv program on my computer that missed the internet couldn’t keep up so I went to an internet speed check site and found out I was paying for 10 Mbps but getting less than 2 Mbps. It has since been improved after the sale but no telling how long the city was ripping off the citizens of Poplar Bluff. I am guessing this is just one of many ways.

  2. John

    You and Mr. West need to get a life. The Sale was a great deal for the City. How about the $275,000 you owe the city. Is your clan gonna waive that??

  3. Maye

    That is just plain terrible. Miss McVey treats citizens with such a disrespectful tone. Why would you question a person at the podium about why something is important to them and then laugh at them? So conniving and telling! Why does it matter to them…. as if he were stepping on her toes by coming up there to speak? No wonder her and city manager wanted the citizen time decreased. They didn’t want to answer to people I guess! I think it must scare them that more people can watch these meetings now. McVey is running to be reelected right next to Mr. Black. No thanks to either of them if this is the kind of behavior they support.