BOYCOM’s Patricia Jo Boyers Elected ACA Vice Chairwoman
Jul 28, 2014

New Leadership Reflects Diversity, Stability and Experience At Trade Group’s Pinnacle
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 28, 2014 — Robert Gessner, President of MCTV (formerly Massillon Cable TV), was elected Chairman of the American Cable Association, and Patricia Jo Boyers, President of BOYCOM, was elected ACA Vice Chairwoman, each to two-year terms, by a vote of the ACA Membership announced today at the 9th annual Independent Show. “This is a critical time because the issues have never been tougher or the stakes higher for the independent cable community,” Gessner said. “I’m proud to lead ACA as the organization moves forward with its efforts to inform and educate policymakers on the vital role we play in the communications market and the need for public policies that foster investment in our networks and communities.” Some of the key issues important to the independent cable community include: Extension of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act (STELA); net neutrality, retransmission consent reform, implementation of the FCC’s Connect America Fund; and access to programming on fair and reasonable terms for cable operators and buying groups. ACA is also an active player in the government’s review of the proposed Comcast-Time Warner Cable and the AT&T-DirecTV mergers. “Over the next two years, ACA will have my time and effort in pressing Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to do whatever they can to fix the broken retransmission consent system and protect consumers from market power abuses certain to result from the media consolidation wave that shows no sign of abating,” Boyers said. Gessner, ACA’s Vice Chairman since 2012, succeeds Colleen Abdoulah, who is Chairwoman of WOW! Internet, Cable and Phone and who became ACA’s Chairwoman in 2011. Boyers has served as a Board Member of ACA prior to her election as Vice Chairwoman. MCTV is based in Massillon, Oh., and BOYCOM is headquartered in Poplar Bluff, Mo. ACA’s Board elections were announced at today’s annual ACA Membership meeting during the Independent Show, a leading communications industry forum co-hosted and jointly organized by ACA and the National Cable Television Cooperative (NCTC). Based in a Lenexa, Kan., NCTC buys programming and equipment for U.S. cable operators. Please follow show news on Twitter at #TIS14. Newly elected to the ACA Board, as either additions or filling company vacancies, were:
- Bill Beaty, Executive Vice President of Cable TV Operations, Comporium;
- Leslie Brown, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Atlantic Broadband;
- Cathy Kuo, Chief Operating Officer, WOW! Internet Cable Phone; and
- Drew Petersen , Vice President of External Affairs and Corporate Communications , TDS
Re-elected to the ACA Board for new three-year terms were:
- Bryan Cipoletti, Chief Financial Officer, Armstrong
- Tom Larsen, Vice President of Legal and Public Affairs, Mediacom
- Tom Might, President and CEO, Cable ONE
- LeaAnn Quist, Director of Cable TV, Great Plains Communications
About the American Cable Association: Based in Pittsburgh, the American Cable Association is a trade organization representing nearly 850 smaller and medium-sized, independent cable companies who provide broadband services for nearly 7 million cable subscribers primarily located in rural and smaller suburban markets across America. Through active participation in the regulatory and legislative process in Washington, D.C., ACA’s members work together to advance the interests of their customers and ensure the future competitiveness and viability of their business. For more information, visit