Brick's Giving Away $10k in Mud Truck Challenge

POPLAR BLUFF – The crowds are gathering. The engines are revving. The Slough ripples with tons of fresh mud.
Brick’s Offroad Park is ready for the drivers and the crowds.
For years, not a single driver got through The Slough. But last year when Dustin McCutcheon got through it and claimed the $10,000 prize, he showed it could be done. The excitement for this year’s event has been building ever since.
“Dustin was the first to get through it,” said Jay Brickell. “A lot of drivers took his example, and they think this year they can do it, too.”
“It’s possible that more than one driver may make it through,” said Brickell. Because of that possibility, there will be a driver’s meeting about an hour before the event in which the drivers will vote on what should be done if more than one driver makes it through.
“We could either do it by time, awarding the $10,000 to the driver with the best time making it through, or the drivers could vote to split the money between a first, second, and third place,” explained Brickell. The drivers are limited to 15 minutes to make it through The Slough.
Brickell is expecting a truly great event this year.
“The weather forecast is perfect,” he said. “We’re expecting probably 2,000 to 3,000 spectators.
He expects both drivers and spectators to begin arriving Friday. Spectators often come early to stake out the best camping spots and spectator spots at The Slough for themselves.
The action starts at 11 a.m. Saturday.
“Most people either sit on the tailgates of their trucks, or bring their four-wheelers, but it’s not a bad idea to bring a lawn chair and a pop-up tent if you want maximum comfort,” said Brickell.
He noted there are many competing events this weekend, but he still expects a great crowd because people that love monster trucks and mudding are very loyal. And, he noted, it’s the perfect event for all age groups.
“It’s always fun to watch the little kids. They are just in complete awe of these trucks,” laughed Brickell.
He also added mud truck fans tend to be like family.
“This is their family and their social group,” he explained. This year a bonfire will be held Saturday night, bringing all these people together in a truly Southern traditional way.
Tickets for Friday through Sunday for both drivers and spectators are $30. For Saturday through Sunday, $20. For Sunday only, it is $10, and children 10 and under are free admittance.
Trucks entering are required to have a tire size of at least 56 inches, and the truck must be 4-wheel drive. Crews consist of a driver and no more than two assistants. All four tires must remain in The Slough to prevent disqualification.
“We have put a lot of work into The Slough and into the grounds to be ready for the weekend event,” said Brickell. “It’s going to be a fantastic weekend!”
The monster truck craze started in the late 1960’s, when several truck owners had created lifted trucks to compete. Back then the largest truck tires were only 48 inches.
During the 1980’s, monster trucks primarily were exhibited as a side show to truck pulling or mud bogging events.
Flash forward to today, where Dustin McCutcheon’s “Dirty Hooker” truck features 84-inch wheels.
He was the first driver to make it through Brick’s slough last year. Can he do it again?
“I’m going to do my best!” said McCutcheon. “It will be tough, though. I think it will be much harder to do this year than last.”
He knows his success last year has made all the other drivers that much more determined to knock him from his first place perch.
“Win or lose, we know we’re going to have a blast!” said McCutcheon. And to him, that is what it is all about.
Driver William McCormick from Puxico agrees. His “Red Demon” monster truck sports over 66-inch tires.
He’s tried before in his other truck to make it through Brick’s slough, but so far unsuccessfully.
“This will be Demon’s first time in the mud,” said McCormick. He says he’s been into big trucks for about ten years and built Red Demon himself.
McCormick says every driver wants to win, but that will only happen for one truck. “What I want for every driver there is to just have fun!” he said.
What’s his strategy this year? McCormick answered with a smile, “Hold it to the floor!”