Capitol Report: Protecting Life

I have always been and will always be committed to protecting the life of the unborn and standing for the voiceless. It saddens me that we actually have to fight for something such as the life of a precious unborn child, something that each of our mothers chose for us from the first time they heard our heartbeat on the monitor, to the day we were born. However, it is encouraging to see so many people standing and joining the fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
This week, on the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, I welcomed pro-life advocates from Missouri to Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life. I watched as they joined tens of thousands of pro-life supporters marching throughout Washington; starting at the National Mall, going past the United States Capitol, and right onto the steps of the Supreme Court to urge the protection of the unborn. It is inspiring to see so many people of all ages, from all across the country, join together in support of the unborn.
Since the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, our medical knowledge and expertise have grown exponentially. Babies diagnosed with birth defects in some cases can now be operated on in their mother’s womb, before they are even born. Premature babies born at just 22 and 23 weeks today have a much better chance of growing up to thrive and live healthy lives. With the medical advancements that have already been made, there is no telling where we will be in the years to come. We can say, though, we will most certainly see even more lifesaving medical capabilities, many of which are being developed as we speak.
Even as we are seeing these advancements, however, there are still so many people that think it is okay to take the life of an unborn child. It is imperative that we continue fighting each day for the sanctity of life. In both terms I have been in Congress, I have cosponsored the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This would stop abortions after 20 weeks, which is something a majority of Americans agree should be prevented. Along with that bill, another key issue I have worked on and will continue to support is the prevention of federal funding for institutions that provide abortions. You deserve better from your government than spending your hard-earned money on something that is immoral and wrong.
I have worked hard to help lead the fight for the unborn in Washington, and I am committed to continuing that fight. Every life is a precious gift; from conception, the day a parent hears their child’s heartbeat for the first time, to the day they are born. If we continue sharing our message and standing up for the life of the unborn, like we do at the annual March for Life, we can change the tide. Together we ensure those who cannot speak have a voice. Together, we truly make a difference.