Delta Fair (Sept 23 – 27)

The Delta Fair at Kennett will be from Sept. 23 to Sept. 27 and feature a number of exciting evenings planned by the fair board.
The fair kicks off at 6pm Tuesday with a parade through downtown Kennett. The event’s opening act will be Kennett’s own rock band Jaded. A cash drawing is scheduled for 10:30pm.
Wednesday will be Armband night; Senior Citizen and State School Day from 1 to 3pm. The Midway opens at 5pm and the annual rodeo will begin at 7pm, followed at 8pm by a cappella performers Blend. A cash drawing is slated for 10:30pm.
Entries for the Rose Show will be accepted from 10am to 1pm Thursday; the Midway will open at 5. At 6:30pm the Demolition Derby will crash the fair; and at 8pm grandstand entertainment will begin. A cash drawing will begin at 10:30pm.
Friday will be armband night at the Delta Fair. The Midway will open at 5pm for those who wish to brave the rides and at 7pm a tractor pull will commence.
At 8pm Penny Moon and Copper Creek will entertain, followed at 11:30pm by a cash drawing.
Saturday at 8pm will feature Bernie’s own, The Brothers Walker. Coty and Clinton Walker were featured competitors on the Voice recently, and graced the front of the SEMO TIMES 8/31 Issue.
The Midway will open at noon Saturday and an armband afternoon is planned until 5pm. The Sound Connection Karaoke contest will begin at 1pm followed by the Demolition Derby at 6:30pm. A cash drawing is scheduled for 11:30pm.
For more information see