FCA Fall Motorcycle Rally and Poker Run

POPLAR BLUFF – The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is holding their annual fundraising Fall Motorcycle Rally and Poker Run on Saturday, October 11.
Bill Ray, representative for FCA, says the funds raised through the event help support the annual Fields of Faith program.
Fields of Faith recently held their rally in Poplar Bluff at Fred Morrow Stadium on September 24. The event was attended by over 3,000 area youth.

A group of youth and sponsors are huddled together at this years Fields of Faith in Poplar Bluff
Ray explained the concept for Fields of Faith began back in 2002 when founder, Jeff Martin, felt led to begin a program that would help teens with the many problems they face in our modern age.
The idea sprang from the story of King Josiah, recorded in the Bible as being a young king who gathered his people and challenged them to read God’s Word.
In 2004, the program included only 6,000 students in Oklahoma. Now it includes over 170,000 students in 39 states. They’ve taken their prayers and Christian experience to over 500 fields of play.
Participants seek to read the Bible regularly, and implement Christian teachings into their lives as individuals and as athletes. SEMO TIMES spoke with a youth from East Carter High School who said that many from their school were impacted by the Fields of Faith event.
Registration for the Poker Run is at Colton’s Steak House in Poplar Bluff, 9:30 to 11 a.m. It will finish at Cypress Creek Motorsports at 3:30 p.m., with a barbecue and prizes to be awarded. Entry fee is $40 per bike and will include a rally shirt, poker run drinks and snacks, and the barbecue.
Over 25 area businesses have signed on as sponsors for the event. For more information or tickets, call 573-714-5555.