From the Publisher's Desk

When considering to be a part of the SEMO Times, I thought long and hard about the central role of a newspaper in a tightly-knit community such as ours. Though we live in the instant-information age of the internet, we will always look to the “paper” to supplement our information intake with local news, entertainment and sports, births and deaths, marriages and anniversaries, and even weekly sales and classified ads
A local newspaper’s pivotal role in our daily lives carries with it a great responsibility. Our guideposts are simple: to be fair and objective, neutral and unbiased, thorough and informative. Most of all, we are obligated to treat all parties equally, regardless of who they are, and present both sides of the story so our readers may reach an informed conclusion. In a close community where our friends and neighbors are often the same folks making the news, fairness and neutrality are uniquely important.
We will constantly strive to fulfill our enormous responsibility to the community as a whole and to our readers and advertisers, individually. Please join us as we embark on the new SEMO Times together. You will see the news, especially the local news, in a whole new way.
Brian Becker
CEO & Publisher