Golf Tournament Generates $10K for Foundation

R-I Superintendent Chris Hon presents drawing winner Matt Funke with a Briggs & Stratton pressure washer.
The Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation is expected to meet its goal of netting more than $10,000 during the nonprofit’s 16th annual golf tournament, which was held Friday, May 1, at Ozark Ridge Golf Course.
A total of 17 teams participated in the four-person scramble. Smith & Company Engineers was the Flight A winner with a score of 55 and Mid Continent Nail Corporation won Flight B with 65 strokes.
In addition to the hole sponsors, 19 businesses made donations offering prizes for teams that purchased mulligans. The ante was upped this year with Larry Hillis Dodge putting a Jeep Wrangler on the line if an individual scored a hole-in-one on No. 9. While no one pulled off the feat, Matt Funke of Southern Bank won a locally made pressure washer donated by Briggs & Stratton.
All proceeds from the tournament will go to the Foundation, which funds student scholarships and grants for innovative teachers.