Dialup Access Numbers

Dial-Up Access Numbers

Any of our users (semo.net / sheltonbbs.com / IMSInternet.net) can use the phone numbers below. Please be aware that you must use your full email address (example: flarson@semo.net or jcolley@sheltonbbs.com) to log in not just your username (example: flarson or jcolley) as in the past.


Phone #

Advance 573.722.9920
Annapolis 573.598.3863
Bernie 573.293.1888
Birch Tree 573.292.4004
Bloomfield 573.568.2840
Boss 573.538.1000
Bunker 573.463.1000
Campbell 573.246.2428
Cape Girardeau 573.334.9117
Centerville 573.648.2326
Charleston 573.683.2286
Columbia 573.777.1112
Deering See Hayti or Kennett
Dexter 573.624.3722
Ellsinore 573.322.8421
Eminence 573.226.5005
Farmington 573.518.0137
Flat River 573.518.0137
Fredericktown 573.783.1913
Fremont 573.251.1000
Hayti 573.359.0850
Ironton/Arcadia 573.546.1932
Jackson 573.204.1706
Kennett 573.888.1310
Lesterville 573.487.1890
Malden 573.276.5951
Marble Hill 573.238.4942
Marston 573.643.2158
New Wells 573.833.6298
Oats/Black 573.623.1890
Oran 573.262.8841
Park Hills 573.518.0137
Parma 573.357.1888
Patton 573.866.0059
Perryville 573.547.6113
Poplar Bluff 573.686.0453
Puxico 573.222.2420
Senath 573.738.3498
Sikeston/Morehouse 573.472.2248
St. Genevieve 573.883.1040
St. Louis 314.213.6027
Steele 573.695.1888
Timber 573.858.3003
Van Buren 573.323.4824
Winona 573.325.4004