Hey DAR: Where Are the Results?

In the May 14th edition of the Daily American Republic, the poll question was asked:
Do you think Mayor Angela Pearson should have had a policeman escort former city manager Doug Bagby from city hall after he was fired?
The poll question also stated that the results would be released in the following Wednesday’s edition of the paper.
SEMO.net did check and the poll question was removed from their web site the day before the results were to be announced. However, that next Wednesday, May 21, there were no results reported.
The following Wednesday, May 28, still no results. It’s now been 16 days since the question was asked and 10 days since the poll question was removed from their web site.
I wonder why a newspaper would choose not to release the results of a poll question they asked. As Arsenio says, there are just some things that make you go, “Hmmmmmm.”