I Am Secont

There has been a lot of hooplah over Phil Robertson’s opinions in GQ. First the twisting of Phil’s words to say something he didn’t. A&E suspending Phil from future shows only to find out that most of the next season is already “in the can” (completed) and Phil is in all of them. Cracker Barrel taking down all Duck Dynasty products and then less than 48 hours later apologizing to their customers and putting them back up. The flurry of opinions on Facebook over every aspect of the ordeal. It has been a crazy week leading up to Christmas.
But a great video was recently released by the group at “I Am Second” which gives you a fuller picture of the patriarch of Duck Dynasty. I was told to watch the first 3 minutes…which were good…but the entire video was even better. It shows three generations (Phil, Jep, Reed) who have struggled with drugs and alcohol and suicide.
I’m thankful that I too can acknowledge and proclaim that “I am secont.”
I can’t tell you how absolutely awesome it is to hear people who are in the public eye speak the whole truth. So many times you get these crowd pleasing versions and no one benefits from that. Phil, I enjoyed your testimony so much you stay strong and don’t let anyone politically correct you. Thank you all for telling the real truth and for shedding light into this dark world.