Info Regarding City Council Election

People have expressed confusion over how the City Council voting, so I wanted to help clear things up. If you live inside the city limits of Poplar Bluff you will be able to vote for two at-large city council members. Your ballot will look like:

You are allowed to vote for two at large city council members. To vote for both Rushin and Johnson, you would complete the arrow for both of their names.
If you vote at the Armory, you live in Ward 5. Your ballot will have an extra section on it to select Ward 5’s representing Council member for the next three years. That ballot will look like the following:

You are ONLY allowed to vote for ONE candidate from Ward 5. To vote for Tinsley, complete the arrow beside his name.
Many Poplar Bluffians received a mailer in the last few days reminding them to get out and vote for the candidates who best represent the people of Poplar Bluff.
The city of Poplar Bluff is at a crossroads. Do you like the status quo and want Poplar Bluff to continue down the path laid out by the “Good Old Boys”? Or, are you ready for our city to be run by people who support open and transparent government, want to listen to the people before making major decisions and strive to operate the city to be the best “for the many” rather than providing opportunities “for the few”?
Get out and vote on April 8th, Poplar Bluff. Your community hangs in the balance.