McCaskill's Gets Feedback from Higher Learning Representatives on Sexual Assult

MISSOURI – Nearly 50 Missouri colleges and universities this week had the opportunity to give direct feedback to U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill during her statewide “Claire on Campus” tour, aimed at curbing sexual assaults on campuses.
McCaskill used events on ten campuses across the state to talk directly with students, educators, victims’ advocates, and law enforcement on ways to combat sexual violence on campuses—and to get direct feedback on her bipartisan legislation to protect and empower students, and strengthen accountability and transparency for institutions.
To see photos and updates from McCaskill’s tour, visit
“Getting at the problem of sexual assaults is complicated, and requires folks on all sides to be fully engaged,” said McCaskill, a former sex crimes prosecutor. “So having these discussions where stakeholders were in the same room and talking to each other was immensely helpful—especially for me. The interaction was eye-opening for everyone, and I gained some valuable feedback that I’ll take back to the Senate as we refine our legislation.”
McCaskill gathered feedback on issues including best practices on campuses, financial penalties against schools, cooperative agreements between colleges and local law enforcement, and the challenge of ensuring students are aware of their options.
Colleges and universities represented at McCaskill’s events this week included: University of Central Missouri; State Fair Community College; Missouri Valley College; Avila University; Park University; University of Missouri—Kansas City; Metropolitan Community College; Missouri State University; Drury University; Webster University; Cox College; Crowder College; Evangel University; Cottey College; Southwest Baptist University; Missouri Southern State University; Ozarks Technical College; Northwest Missouri State University; North Central Community College; Missouri Western State University; William Jewell College; Truman State University; A.T. Still University; Culver-Stockton College; Moberly Area Community College; University of Missouri – Columbia; Central Methodist University; Columbia College; Lincoln University; Stephens College; Westminster College; William Woods University; Missouri University of Science and Technology; State Technical College of Missouri; Southeast Missouri State University; Three Rivers Community College; Mineral Area Higher Education Center; Harris Stowe State University; St. Louis University; Washington University in St. Louis; University of Missouri—St. Louis; St. Charles Community College; Lindenwood University; Fontbonne University; Jefferson College; Missouri Baptist University; Maryville University; East Central Community College; and St. Louis Community College
In July, McCaskill and a bipartisan group of Senators introduced the Campus Accountability & Safety Act, to take aim at sexual assaults on college and university campuses by protecting and empowering students, and strengthening accountability and transparency for institutions—including establishing stiff penalties for non-compliance with the legislation’s new standards for training, data and best practices.
Earlier this year, McCaskill announced the results of her unprecedented nationwide survey of how sexual assaults are handled on college campuses, which demonstrated a disturbing failure by many institutions to comply with the law and with best practices in how they handle sexual violence against students. The survey found that more than 40 percent of schools have not conducted a single investigation in five years, 21 percent of schools provide no training to faculty and staff, and 31 percent provide no training for students. The 440 institutions represented in the survey are currently educating more than five million students across the country.
McCaskill also held a series of Senate roundtable discussions, which convened stakeholders from across the country to focus on the Clery Act and the Campus SaVE Act, Title IX, and the Criminal Justice System & the Administrative Process. See video highlights of the previous roundtables HERE, HERE, and HERE.