Message For our Wireless Customers

Dear Wireless customers,
For those who use our wireless Internet service, is having to end our wireless internet service as of the middle of July. We are very sorry but the wireless service has come to a point where it is costing more to provide than it is generating. We wanted to give you as much time as possible to find a new solution.
We will continue to offer DSL, Dialup, hosting and email services and the web page will continue to be available.
To help us avoid any confusion with other customers who use other services, please make sure that when talking about this you always make reference to our “wireless” service that is shutting down.
If you use your email address, you can keep using your email address for $19.95 per year. We can help you configure to use your email address no matter what service you choose to use for your Internet.
For many of you, your options will be either satellite Internet service like or cell internet service from a company like AT&T. We still provide dialup service for those in remote areas, if you choose to go back to dialup service, please call us at 686.9114.
I am very sorry to have to bring you such bad news, but we have decided that there is no other option other than to close down our wireless services.
Please email or call 686.9114 once you have switched over to another provider.
Brian Becker
There is another option for satellite internet. Exede is a great option. You can call and find out more by calling 1-866-528-5010 and using the code 41196 to get current deals.