Mid Continent Nail Expands - 91 New Full-time Jobs and $5M Investment

POPLAR BLUFF – I am proud and excited that Mid Continent Nail Corporation, a division of Mid Continent Steel & Wire, has just announced an expansion in the Poplar Bluff Industrial Park. The expansion includes nearly $5 million in new capital investment and the addition of 91 full time jobs.
Mid Continent Nail Corporation began business in 1987 under the ownership of David and Doug Libla. Mid Continent Nail is the largest bulk pallet nail manufacturer in the United States and is the largest supplier of nails to the wooden pallet and crating industry with customers throughout the U.S. and Canada. Libla Industries, Inc., dba Mid Continent Nail was purchased by Deacero USA, Inc. in February 2012.
I am very appreciative for Deacero’s continued commitment to the Poplar Bluff area. Their decision to expand their operations is a testament to the quality of our local and regional workforce. Deacero, a Gutierrez family-owned company since 1952, is a leader in scrap processing, steel production, mesh and wire products manufacturing with a presence in more than 20 countries.
Special thanks to Deacero’s owners Raul Gutierrez and his family, my brother David and his team of hard working employees at Mid Continent Nail, Fernando Villanueva, new CEO of Mid Continent Nail, Steve Halter, President of the Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce and PB Industries, and Governor Jay Nixon. Others participating in this effort were the Missouri Department of Economic and Workforce Development, Three Rivers College President Dr. Wes Payne, (TRC Dr. Brenda Russell, Bud Joyner and Jennifer Hood), Melissa Robbins with the South Central Missouri Workforce Investment Board, Felicity Ray, Executive Director of Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission, Poplar Bluff City Manager Heath Kaplan, The Butler County Commissioners, Poplar Bluff Industries Board of Directors, and Chris Pratt from Mid Continent Nail.
I take pride in knowing our community will continue to support this great family oriented company as they continue creating good job opportunities and quality products.