PBHS Participates in Governor Candidate Forum

A Poplar Bluff High School student and teacher played key roles at the Missouri Republican governor candidate forum attended by a reported 300 guests on Saturday, Sept. 12, at Aad Grotto.
American government instructor Mitch Davis moderated the event and senior Stephanie Hobbs, the president of the Teenage Republicans, served as timekeeper. Participating candidates included past Missouri Department of Agriculture Deputy Director Randy Asbury, businessman John Brunner, Sen. Bob Dixon, former House Speaker Catherine Hanaway and Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder.
“As a government teacher, I implore my students to always find a way to get involved in the political process,” Davis stated. “Whenever I was given the opportunity to moderate the forum, I wanted to set a good example and show them you don’t have to be a politician to have a role in the process.”
Young Democrats Club president Jackson Rideout, treasurer Christian Cmehil-Warn and member Isaac Laseter, all PBHS seniors, were also in attendance, along with social studies teacher Mike Sowatzke and Assistant Principal Sheldon Tyler.
“I am very proud of them for spending their Saturday evening learning about the platforms of these candidates and their vision for Missouri,” Davis continued. “I think the community, state and nation are in great hands because of students like Stephanie, Jackson, Isaac and Christian.”
The Butler County Republican Central Committee organized the gubernatorial forum in Poplar Bluff, the first in the state. A new governor will be elected next year, when incumbent Gov. Jay Nixon terms out. So far Attorney General Chris Koster is the sole Democrat to throw his hat in the race.

With PBHS representation in the background, moderator Mitch Davis asks the first question of the evening, pertaining to the unrest in Ferguson, while Stephanie Hobbs keeps time.

Candidates (seated from left) John Brunner, Bob Dixon, Peter Kinder, Catherine Hanaway and Randy Asbury applaud after House Speaker Todd Richardson, a PBHS alumnus, provides closing remarks.