Political Satirist Mark Russell to Perform April 23

Long before Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, there was Mark Russell, daring to joke and sing about America’s often absurd political process.
Russell will perform his unique blend of political humor and witty satiric songs at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center as the last show in the Patrons of the Arts 2014-15 season. Tickets are $10 and available online at trcc.edu/tinnin, at the Poplar Bluff and Dexter Chambers of Commerce, the Three Rivers Financial Services office, and, as available, at the door. The performance will be held April 23 at 7 p.m.

Long-running musician and satirist Mark Russell will perform at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center on April 23 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10, and available online at trcc.edu/tinnin, at the Poplar Bluff and Dexter Chambers of Commerce, the Three Rivers Financial Services office, and, as available, at the door. The performance will finish off the Patrons of the Arts 2014-2015 season.
In a 30-year career of performing “Mark Russell Comedy Specials” on PBS, touring his stand-up comedy routines, and writing a newspaper column, Russell became known for creating jokes and songs using his hilarious insights about politics and skewering the news of the day. Accompanying himself on the piano, Russell sings and jokes about the day’s headlines so each show is unique.
“Mark Russell is an equal opportunity satirist. He pokes good-natured fun at everyone, Republicans, Democrats, left, right, conservative, liberal,” said Tim Thompson, director of the Tinnin Fine Arts Center. “But you don’t have to follow politics to enjoy his show. He is first and foremost a hilariously funny comedian.”
Russell retired in 2010, but that only lasted two years.
“I decided to unretire when I heard that members of Congress had been cavorting in the Sea of Galilee,” Russell said. “How can you make that up?”
With impeccable timing, twinkling eyes and shock-of-recognition insights into American politics, Russell draws merriment from the pomposity of public life.
“Mark Russell’s show will bring a delightful end to the Patrons season,” Thompson said.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.