Three Rivers to Offer MEGA Test for Education Students

Three Rivers College’s Testing Services department now offers the MEGA test for students completing their four-year education degree. The test will replace the Praxis II exam for determining competency in areas of instruction.
“We’re pleased to be partnering with Pearson Vue to offer this exam in Poplar Bluff,” said Diane Patterson, Testing Coordinator at Three Rivers. “Previously, students had to go to Cape Girardeau or Jonesboro to take the MEGA exam, so we feel like this is a great service for students in our region.”
According to Patterson, the next test date will be offered in January, with test dates following in March, June, August, and October of each year. The length and cost of the test varies depending on the subject area of the test. For more information on the MEGA test, visit For more information on testing services offered at Three Rivers, or to register for a test date, visit
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