Wisdom from the WOODS

Photo from Today’s Homeowner
As I set here writing my column, it occurs to me this month is nearly over. When everyone reads this, January is history. Can spring be very far away? Yes, spring could be quite a distance away.
The jonquils have started breaking their way through the cover of leaves and grass. The snow crocus hasn’t made an appearance yet and snow could be in the forest for the coming week. So far our snows have been the kind I like, just enough to cover the ground and make driving a little treacherous on some roads and highways and most of it melted away in short order.
I visited my sister’s house off Township Line Road Friday. She wasn’t home, but her yard was occupied by a flock of 20 Canadian geese. That was a sight for sore eyes as I really did like to hunt geese after most of the hunting seasons closed. I just about quit hunting waterfowl when the steel shot rules took effect. Also losing my son Doug (Mud Duck) to a car accident took a lot of the desire to duck and goose hunt out of me.
Watching the birds as they seem to be pairing up; that with the flower signs, it really does seem like spring is just around the corner. I’m not putting my insulated underwear away yet as I have a good memory and can remember several big snowfalls in February including one that measured 18 inches in the front yard of our Ethel Street home in Poplar Bluff.
One word of wisdom to my readers: don’t yield to temptation and clean the leaves or grass away from your jonquils. Let them enjoy the protection afforded by those elements.
One feature that will become a regular monthly entry is a compilation of events in the month.
For February, we start off with Eagle Day on the 7th. The Light Goose season has already began on February 1. U.K.C. wild coon hunts for the month are: Reyno, AR Feb. 6 and in Missouri, Patton Feb. 7, West Plains, Feb. 21 and Marble Hill Feb. 28.
Hopefully the bass and crappie clubs will send me a list of their events so there will be a complete calendar of events in the area. I may be reached at:
Paul Woods
3717 CR 415
Ellsinore MO 63937
I didn’t mention the fact that there are still some legal trapping taking place in Missouri. Coyote, beavers, otter, and muskrats are still legal to trap and the rabbit and squirrel seasons continue through February.