Wisdom from the WOODS-Spring Fishing

Spring has finally arrived officially and in reality. I stayed outside for a while just as it was getting dark last night and listened to the sounds of spring’s arrival. The frogs were croaking and chirping and some of the late moving birds were singing and even a few bats were out trying to find insects. Also the hummers are back.
Fishing for a while will be a big blah as the lakes are high with more rainfall predicted so they will remain above where the Corps of Engineers desire for this time of year. The rivers, Black River for an example is more than half-bank full at Poplar Bluff and fishing on that stream will be bad for quite some time. St. Francis is also high and it too will have less than good fishing.
The Butler County Coon Hunters Club had a very good turnout for their recent hunt. The total of 20 dogs entered in the hunt was the best in quite a while for the local club. I had a previous engagement that just kept me from being able to attend. I don’t hunt anymore a for the first time since the 1950’s, I do not have a hound on the place. My age and bad knees keep me from taking to the woods at night but I still have the desire and IF I could, I would attend the competition hunts as a contestant again.
The reason I was unable to attend the hunt was that was the date of the Southeast Missouri Sportsmen’s Association’s annual dinner-meeting. The attendance wasn’t what was hoped for but with the coon hunt and I believe a rodeo on the same date, that made for a busy Saturday and choices had to be made about what to attend.
No figures were announced about what the event brought in at the dinner, but I would like to personally thank Doug Snider for his gift for the Kids Fish and Fun day. Doug was the winner of the 50-50 drawing and donated it back to the Association to help with the kids upcoming event.
The club had a good amount of door prizes and quite a few items were used for a silent auction. All that money will be put to good use in putting on the Kids Fish and Fun Day May 16 at Don Jones’ lake on T Highway (Lake Road) where it has been located for the past few years.
The next fishing tournament will be April 12 when the Angler’s Choice has their first event of the year at Redman Creek. Launch time is 6am and weigh-in is 3pm.
The next UKC coon hunt event will be April 11 at Marble Hill, Mo.
I have not heard any wild turkeys gobbling around the house but I know that with the warming of the days, the breeding season for turkeys should be in full bloom. Probably all the turkey hunters have the date of April 12 for youth and April 20 for the beginning of spring firearms season circled on their calendars.