Youth Mental Health First Aid Training to be held in Poplar Bluff

One in five people will have a panic attack once in their lifetime. What would you do when this happens to a student, loved one, or church member? Attend the Youth Mental Health First Aid course to recognize symptoms of mental health problems, how to help, and how to guide the youth to professional help. University of Missouri Extension is sponsoring Youth Mental Health First Aid training on Thursday, December 3 in Poplar Bluff. The one-day training will be held at the First Presbyterian Church from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The registration fee is waived which includes a workbook and lunch. It is provided free of charge because of funds provided by the Missouri Institute of Mental Health. Instructors, who are certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainers, include Stephanie Milner, 4-H Youth Development Specialist for University of Missouri Extension and Phyllis Flanigan, Human Development Specialist for University of Missouri Extension.
This 8-hour course teaches people how to give first aid to youth experiencing a mental health crisis situation. Participants will learn the signs and symptoms of the most common mental health problems, where and when to get help, and what type of help has been shown to be effective. The purpose of the program is to also demystify the whole topic of mental illness, to increase mental health literacy, and to decrease any stigma.
Specific audiences for the training vary, but include key professions such as youth volunteers, first responders, primary care professionals, nursing home staff, school administration and educators. Other participating entities include faith communities, employers, chambers of commerce, state policymakers, mental health advocacy organizations, shelter volunteers, families and the general public.
For more information and to register contact the University of Missouri Extension Center, 222 N Broadway, Poplar Bluff (573-686-8064). The registration form is found on our website or through email at