Brittany Maynard’s “Death With Dignity”

Nov 08, 2014

29-year old Brittany Maynard was living on borrowed breath. She was told that the days that stretched out before her were going to be few and fraught with debilitating illness and agony.

On New Year’s Day of this year, just fifteen months after her wedding, Brittany was diagnosed with stage IV terminal brain cancer. With no hope in her heart for a cure, only a plan for dying on her own terms, she placed a lethal dose of pills upon her tongue and chose which remaining breaths would be her last.

On Saturday, surrounded by her most-loved ones, she said goodbye and went to sleep never to awaken again.

What should have been a first year of marriage filled with hope and dreams for the future became a nightmare from which she could only have wished to somehow awaken.

Instead of being able to realize their newlywed dreams of building tomorrows, they found themselves researching ways to either extend the days Brittany had remaining or….not. Brittany chose to “die with dignity.”

[The remainder of the story is in the SEMO TIMES. You can pick up the newspaper at one of our many locations or click the following link to read the story on pages 12 & 13.]

Brittany Maynard's "Death With Dignity" - Click to view full story
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