Patrons of the Arts Society Bringing Arts to the Area

When I was growing up in Southeast Missouri, there were no cultural events to attend. If one wanted to see a concert, stage play, and certainly something as unique as a ballet, travel as far as St. Louis or Memphis was in order.
Once I moved away to college, I understood what a huge disadvantage that was for me. In order to be truly educated, one must have some background in the arts.
Thankfully, that is changing.
In Poplar Bluff, that change has, in large part, been brought about by Three Rivers College’s building of the Tinnin Fine Arts Building in 1997 and the more recent productions sponsored by the Patrons of the Arts Society. Since its inception, the Patrons of the Arts Society have brought 39 shows to the area ranging from dance, vocal and instrumental groups, tribute bands, children’s shows, comedy, and classical Shakespeare and other theatrical offerings.
For the 2014-15 season, the Patrons of the Arts Society has filled the calendar with seven productions which will grace the Tinnin stage.
First is “Night Fever: A Bee Gees Tribute Concert” scheduled for the evening of October 14. This tribute band has been touring for the past decade, bringing the Bee Gees’ sound of the 70’s back to life with hits like “Stayin’Alive,” “Jive Talking,” and “More Than A Woman.” This concert is sponsored by the Three Rivers College Patrons of the Arts Society. Tickets are $10.
Next is a holiday production, “Bah Humbug” scheduled for the afternoon of November 16. It is a modernization of Dickens’ classic “Christmas Story,” bringing Ebenezer Scrooge back to life in today’s world. It is sponsored by Kissinger & Kirkman Investment Center. Tickets are $5.
“The Chinese Acrobats” take the stage December 12. The National Acrobats of The People’s Republic of China have been thrilling audiences around the world. Their appearance is sponsored by the Patrons of the Arts Society. Tickets are $10.
Next in the line-up is “Robin Hood” to be performed the afternoon of February 1. Tickets are just $5 to see the Prince of Thieves and his Merry Men and their adventures in Sherwood Forest, helping the good people of Nottingham. This show is sponsored by The Bank of Missouri.
“The Emperor’s New Clothes” by The Imaginary Theatre Company of St. Louis takes the stage Sunday afternoon, March 1. Hans Christian Anderson’s tale of politics and vanity remains relevant today with its satire and lesson in humility. It is being sponsored by the local daily newspaper.
The Russian National Ballet will be performing “Cinderella” on the enchanted evening of March 18. This ballet was founded by legendary Bolshoi principal dancer Elena Radchenko in the grand, national tradition of Russian ballet. With 50 dancers and beautiful costumes the Patrons of the Arts will continue their tradition of blessing their community with the beauty of ballet. Tickets are $10.
The final performance of the season is “An Evening With Mark Russell” on April 23. Russell is known for his hilarious take on our nation’s political process and the headlines of the day, all while accompanying himself on the piano. Critics have long since noted that Russell’s concerts change every night and no performance is ever the same. Tickets are $10 and the event is sponsored by the Patron of the Arts Society.
The Nelson B.–Brent B. Tinnin Fine Arts Center was named after Lora Tinnin’s husband and son. She was a major contributor to the construction of the center. The Tinnin Center houses a concert-quality 500-seat theatre, an art gallery, studio spaces and classrooms.
For show times and to buy tickets, go to and click the Entertainment link at the very top of the page.
SEMO TIMES applauds the Patrons of the Arts Society and its sponsors for bringing entertainment and culture to our area. We would also like to thank the Society for keeping its ticket prices low. These same productions in metropolitan areas can cost upwards of $60 and the $5 to $10 ticket prices guarantee that families from this region can afford to enjoy the Arts.
My, how things have changed since I was a girl in Southeast Missouri.
What a very positive change, indeed.