Rushin, Johnson and Tinsley Win Council Seats
Apr 08, 2014

I’m excited to announce that Poplar Bluff has opted to make a sweeping change to our city council today by electing at-large members Dr. Jack Rushin and David Johnson and Ward 5 member Peter Tinsley.
All of them discussed wonderful ideas for helping keep the momentum of Poplar Bluff going and I look forward to what they will accomplish in the three year term.
For everyone who got out and voted…bless you!
Brian Becker
as a outsider in another county i have followed all this child s play as close as i can . what i see is dirty politics doing dirty deeds being done. you would think this was washington d.c politics. a family as been attacked and a hardship has been created.due to letters sent . stop being a coward and come out in the open and be the man/ woman. to be honest i am surprised a burn out has not been tried . any thing to cover the good old boys backside . lets not forget throwing tacks out in driveways…
You owe the City $275,000 Peter Tinsley owes Back Taxes to the City. Mr.Whelan paid $400,000 for his piece of property he thinks its worth a Million now and Mr. Varma bought his for $150,000 and wants the same amount for 20 feet of his front of it.. So you believe the City council should waive all those fees you and Mr. Tinsley owe and give Mr. Whelan and Mr. Varma what they want? So who is the loser here? Sounds like the Tax payers of Poplar Bluff are expected to cover your theft and Mr. Tinsley’s incompetance and landowners Property what ever they say it is worth.. Simple Questions just what to know what you think is right?
—– John W. – please provide an accurate email address to continue posting.
As for the rest of your silliness, not much reason for a sane person to dialog with you. However, I wish you and Sammy the best at your “place of business.”
How long will it take for these good citizens to follow the ousted group. The test will be how long they can resist the temptations put on them by the powerful establishment.
I do not Live there. My grandmothers both lifelong Poplar Bluff residents. I was a longtime customer of Brian Becker, and had nothing but great service and support. I was with them when they bought out Shelton, so yes I went through a lot of change with Brian and team, and he always handled it with great respect and integrity, and to see that mob go after him was the most tasteless thing! Ok, on to another soapbox, and by the way Mr. Becker would not know me if I ran into him a wal mart! I have to say I was appalled by the actions going on over there, the flat out bullying and running over people. The cherry on top was when I watched Susan LAUGH/SCOFFED a citizen. That was the MOST, despicable, arrogant action I have ever seen by a seated council person. I have sit on the city council in two different cities, and have never seen that! So with that said, I see change on the horizon, maybe “Bagboy”, and Duncan looking to have to earn an honest living now as the “Godfathers Table” has been broken up!
What an amazing outcome for Poplar Bluff! Good job voters! They couldn’t fool you and you chose correctly. This will be a good thing for our city! No doubt. I know you have taken a lot of flack for your persistance Mr. Becker, but THANK YOU for bringing attention to things and shedding the light on some of the shenanigans of city hall. Now lets all enjoy the new day coming for Poplar Bluff!!!!
I guess this validates the saying that “while you may fool some of the people some of the time, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time!”
time to put the drama behind push forward for the better of the city.
Wonderful, absolutely WONDERFUL. I’m so glad.
I’m going call this wonderful group, “The Good ‘ol Boy Busters”! I hope you fine citizens can NOW make a difference for the rest of the fine citizens of Poplar Bluff, MO.
This is great news! When will they be sworn in?
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