What Could Have Doomed The City's Appraisers?

Over the past 2 months, I’ve made a dozen Sunshine requests for public records from the City. In late March I requested “Appraisal Information on properties” and gave the address for the Flipper property, the Whelan, Tinsley and Car Wash properties. Three business days later I paid the clerk a bit over $20 dollars and received appraisals for three properties and a denial for the Whelan appraisal stating it was pending litigation and therefore not available under Sunshine laws.
The city didn’t provide me with actual appraisals, but, instead provided me with “Appraisal Reviews”. Two names showed up on the reviews, Richard Eggers and Connie Roe. I called Smith and Co on two separate occasions to verify their employment.
What struck me as odd was that on one Appraisal Review the Property appraised by line said Richard Eggers and then on the back side, the Review was signed by Connie Roe and Doug Bagby. On the second appraisal, the appraisal was performed by Connie Roe and the Review signed by Richard Eggers and Doug Babgy. And, as you can see, neither signer dated their signature. [Click to view one of the appraisal reviews]
I emailed a copy of the appraisal reviews to a friend. We laughed about the absurdity of the same company appraising and reviewing the appraisal. But, however unethical or corrupt it appeared to us, we just chalked it up to city tactics to ensure they got the appraisal value they wanted.
But my friend forwarded the copy on to an local, board-certified appraiser who instantly recognized the practice as outside the rules and regulations of their trade. The “Appraisal Review” was forwarded on to a commissioner on the state board of certified real estate appraisers. Less than a week later, the Appraisal Division of Smith & Company closed their doors.
We are cleaning up our city, it takes good people who respect our community enough to make a difference. It’s happening! Both my friend and the appraiser have asked to remain anonymous to prevent a target being placed on their back. It is sad that we live in a community where those who make a difference fear retaliation from their local government…but some day, that too will change.
I agree with Mr. Wallis, a big problem with our society today is the practice of blurting accusations from behind the curtain of anonymity. If you have something to add to the discussion do so by all means, but if you only add to the rumors and piles of slurs, please keep your comments in the coffee shop.
I’d prefer if we end this. When posting actual names is often good, it’s also potentially opening yourself up to a slander case (whether your info is true or not people can still sue you). So, while I understand what both sides are saying, let’s just agree that Mr McGinty believes he’s correctly portrayed the story and both Mr Wallis and Earl reserve the right to believe the story because no names have been inserted. At that, we can move on.
Randy, I stand by Brian. Its irrelevant if you believe me or not.
Mr McGinty if you have such stories as you say why not back up your allegations with names and not comments like:
” One of the city officials used to own a liquor store and I worked for him. He would get drunk on Sat night and call me a 1:25am when the bars closed and have me stack 10cases or so of beer out by the dumpster. He later fired me and told me I didn’t fit his format,(they were losing money, Gee). He later ran for office and won. ”
The only way you can be taken seriously is with names and dates. Accusations are one thing fact based statements are another.
Hi Guys, I have a lot of Horror stories to tell about the city. This is one of the reasons I moved to the county. Here is a for instance…One of the city officials used to own a liquor store and I worked for him. He would get drunk on Sat night and call me a 1:25am when the bars closed and have me stack 10 cases or so of beer out by the dumpster. He later fired me and told me I didn’t fit his format,(they were losing money, Gee). He later ran for office and won. ( he”s a good ol boy)..I believe in What Brian is doing and ill stand by him. The city is corrupt. I can name many more instances. My Mother used to run the Westwood Hills Country club and served many of these Corrupt people. She used to call Doug Babgy her dearest friend. She was a very sweet lady and seen the good in everyone. She was blind of what is going on. She is since deceased. The city is counting on their sheep to just stand back and let them run the city.