• Hi! Thanks for taking a break from your holiday festivities to check out what’s cookin’ here at semo.net on this Memorial Day holiday! We thought it would be best on this day to share reminders of how the holiday came to be, and of what it was, in fact, established to commemorate. For the holiday today, we may have traveled some distance to enjoy the company of family and friends; now, we may go the barbeque/four-wheeler/fishing/boating/picnicking/Branson route---trying to squeeze every bit of excitement we can out of these precious moments away from the daily grind!

    May 26,
  • “I really do believe [a certain U.S. presidential hopeful]…wants to change the U.S. into a third world country. That is pretty much what [the candidate] said the other day when chastising us for using too much energy.” — Posted by “S. Henderson”, #31 New York Times, “The Caucus” Blog  May 21, 2008   “The candidate”, as you may have discerned, might have been John McCain or Barack Obama; both have spoken at some length on conservation in their campaigns. But our discussion here is not a political one; so let us rather, for a moment, take a closer look at the reality-challenged “S. Henderson” for possible insights into our own energy future.

    May 24,
  • “If you think $40 a barrel is bad, wait till it reaches $60, then $80 then $100 plus. The golden age of cheap and plentiful fuel is over, so we’d better get used to it.” --Posted by “Rob” from New Zealand BBC News Blog May 24, 2004   http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/3736917.stm   Jeepers! "Rob" really called it, didn't he? Way back in 2004!  Well, in 2008, you don't need a crystal ball to see that there's no way around this: We've got to rethink the whole business of "getting from here to there" so that it can work to our advantage, and not our detriment.

    May 22,
  • “…It’s amusing to read the hard-done American stories. I wonder if [Americans] realise that the price difference from one side of the Pond to the other is 300%? Two bucks a gallon in the US; well over 6 bucks a gallon in the UK..." --“Bennett” from Cambridge, England… BBC News Blog May 24, 2004 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/3736917.stm   We’re catching up to you, "Bennett". And we don’t find it amusing at all. Wo! The honeymoon is so completely over, as if I need to point that out! Yes, the American love affair with cheap gasoline has come to an abrupt, very unromantic close due to our sudden exposure to some devastating political, economic, and environmental realities---the kinds of issues that have been affecting other parts

    May 20,
  • Last time we listed a goodly number of gas-and-money-saving ideas that could immediately be put into play before you even get behind the wheel! Today we’ll look at other solid strategies for extracting the most from every gallon that goes into your tank. Keep idling your engine to a minimum, and minimize fuel waste! Apparently you don’t need to warm up these new cars for as long as they did the automotive dinosaurs of old. Also, try not to leave the motor running while you’re off doing business. I remember once reading of D.C. lawmakers introducing a “bold, new” gas-price-relief plan on the steps of a public building in 2006---and all the while a fleet of their own drivers sat

    May 16,

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