• We are all aware that much of our food, especially processed food contains preservatives to prevent spoilage. However, we also have a reasonable expectation that food left without refrigeration will eventually ruin, especially after the food has been prepared. Evidently MickyD's Happy Meals do not follow our reasonable expectations.

    Oct 12,
    - by semoadmin
  • The month of November is upon us, and with it comes the 2010 elections. Several intriguing races have come to light in recent weeks, not the least of which is the 8th Congressional District race. This Wednesday evening candidates Joann Emerson (incumbent Rep.), Tommy Sowers (Dem.), Rick Vandeven (Lib.) and Larry Bill (Ind.) will face off in a congressional debate. This event is sure to be exciting for anyone following the race, and educational for any voter who would like to discover more about these candidates and their respective platforms. I encourage everyone to attend the debate, which will be held this Wednesday, October 13th at 7:00 PM at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center on the Three Rivers Community College

    Oct 11,
    - by semoadmin
  • RECAP: A Missouri Statute which has already been tested in the U.S. Supreme Court requires the City to sell telecommunications services "at cost" to other telecommunications companies like semo.net or Big River Telephone. But the new City Ordinance has a column labeled "cost to serve" and "New Rate" which clearly shows over $3,000 dollars profit per month has been built into the new rates.

    Sep 13,
  • The following information was relayed by Brian Becker to City Council on Monday, Aug 2, 2010. Additional supporting information has been added for clarity: According to Mr. Bach, every time a light switch is turned on or the faucet is opened, citizens are subsidizing MyCityCable to the tune of over $1,000,000 each year. I am on record stating that these numbers ARE NOT accurate and the city IS NOT losing money on Internet.

    Aug 03,
  • According to semo.net: The cost to increase capacity from the current 150 Mb to 300 Mb should be a one-time cost of less than $50,000 and possible only $20,000. If the books of the Internet portion were separated from the TV income/expenses then I believe it could easily be shown that the Internet side is profiting and can absorb that cost. Remember, making the network better is better for the citizens. Making the prices cheaper by competition is better for the citizens. City Cable should not run it's network as a business. It should run the network as a government which provides infrastructure for citizens lives to be better. We welcome a response from the City.

    Aug 03,

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