After seeing the trailer for Bill Maher’s new movie, Religulous, my initial reaction was similar to the way I feel when someone messes with my kids: protective; defensive. First, I didn’t want to see the movie at all, but then I decided to go and just see where Mr. Maher was heading with this. I know that Maher is a comedian, an equal opportunity mocker, so I assumed that my spiritual convictions were going to be irreverently trampled underfoot.
- Oct 13,
Saturday Night Live's opening scene Saturday night was a VP Debate spoof. It's funny and I laughed from beginning to end. I should probably disclose, though I can't imagine it is a secret, that I'm a Christian who has very conservative Republican views and, of course, view life through that lens. I woke up this [Saturday] morning and instantly pulled up the SNL web site to watch Tina Fey and crew poke fun at Sarah Palin and, ultimately, me. Why? Because it is funny! Because it's a spoof. The first spoof two weeks ago with Hilary Clinton was hilarious. The Couric-Interview Spoof was equally funny. Honestly, if it is funny (and not crude), then I can definitely laugh and enjoy it. I
Oct 05,"I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is a disgrace; two are a law firm; and three or more become a congress." ---John Adams, "1776" Don't be fooled by the subject matter; this play, under Stage Company perennial Ron Gilliland's deft direction, offers laugh-out-loud moments throughout---and even a generous dollop of romance, to boot! But for now, picture the genteel, the be-wigged, the be-stockinged, the deeply annoyed and the highly nervous coming together from all over the land to chart a course for a new kind of political entity. Of course you've worked out the play's title year and its significance; well, physically, the action in 1776 is set almost entirely inside chambers of the Second
Mar 08,From TVWeek: President Bush is reopening the fight over government support of public television, unveiling a 2007 government fiscal year budget that would cut federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting by nearly 25 percent. A spokeswoman for PBS said that the cuts would be "disastrous" for public TV stations. "For PBS, it could mean the end of our ability to support some of the most treasured educational children's series and primetime icons to which CPB funding contributes," said Lea Sloan, VP-communications.
Feb 09,Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced yesterday that iTunes Music Store will now be carrying movies from Disney, Pixar, Miramax and Touchstone Pictures. The movies will be viewable from iTunes, as well as video capable iPods. From Apple News: Apple today announced iTunes 7, delivering stunning new features such as the new album and Cover Flow views of music, TV shows and movies. In addition, the iTunes Store is now offering over 75 movies from Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar, Touchstone Pictures and Miramax Films, which customers can purchase and download to watch on their computers and iPods, and soon on their flat screen televisions with Apple’s upcoming iTV player. [Sep 12, 2006]
Sep 18,