• Public four-year colleges in Missouri could lose some state aid if their tuition increases exceed the rate of inflation under legislation being considered by state lawmakers.Southeast Missouri State University president Dr. Ken Dobbins hopes lawmakers will revise the measure so it doesn't penalize schools such as Southeast that have relatively low student fees. Dobbins testified before the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday. Read Story Via SeMissourian

    Feb 02,
    - by semoadmin
  • SeMissourian: While water skiing with her friends at Lake Wappapello in the summer of 1970, Judy McMullin lost her brand-new high school class ring. "I had only had it a month," said McMullin, a graduate of Central High School who now lives in Chaffee, Mo. "I was so disappointed that I'd lost it so soon." Now, 37 years later, McMullin has her ring back...read more

    Feb 02,
    - by semoadmin
  • After 36 years and billions of sales, the floppy disk is to join the video player, cassette deck and film camera on technology's scrapheap. The 9cm piece of plastic will no longer be available from Britain's biggest computer retailer. PC World announced last night it would stop selling the disks when stocks ran out. via Metro.co.uk

    Jan 31,
    - by semoadmin
  • Wal-Mart is applying its famous price rollback strategy to health care by announcing it will make nearly 300 generic drugs available to customers and employees for only $4 per prescription. The change in pricing affects both customers with and without insurance. Those with insurance will pay a co-pay of $4.00. Wal-Mart says they will still file with your insurance company, but will not charge them. The program began in September of 2006, and is expanding each month with new additions to the list of offered prescriptions. Visit the Wal-mart Pharmacy Website for more information.

    Jan 30,
    - by semoadmin
  • Sending and sharing files is a daily routine. If you have the need in your working, or personal, life to send and share large files easily without tying up your email, senduit could be a service for you to try out. The senduit service allows users to upload up to 100MB of data, and create a unique URL to share in two steps. This data is then given an available time frame in which users can access it. So if it’s somewhat private or sensitive material you can set it to be available for 30 minutes, and all the way up to one week of availability. A better known provider of this type of service includes yousendit, who allows for

    Jan 30,
    - by semoadmin

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