• Attorney General Jay Nixon today announced that his office’s investigation into retail gasoline prices in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina has led to legal action being taken against the owners of 10 gas stations, eight of which are in southeast Missouri. Nixon launched his investigation on Aug. 31, just two days after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. Read the article...

    Sep 28,
    - by semoadmin
  • Many lives have been affected by the recent disaster. If you would like to provide assistance, or send out your thoughts and prayers, the New Orleans tourism site NOLA.com has set up a message board called Reaching Out where members can post offers of assistance or words of encouragement to the victims.

    Aug 31,
    - by semoadmin
  • "In an ongoing effort to stop the spread of HIV, scientists in Australia have discovered that crocodiles can fight off HIV and kill the virus. This is a major boon to medicine because the crocodile serum can also fight things that are penicillin resistant such as staphylococcus aureus."

    Aug 17,
    - by semoadmin
  • New Principles Preserve and Promote the Open and Interconnected Nature of Public Internet Washington, D.C. – The Federal Communications Commission today adopted a policy statement that outlines four principles to encourage broadband deployment and preserve and promote the open and interconnected nature of public Internet: (1) consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice; (2) consumers are entitled to run applications and services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement; (3) consumers are entitled to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network; and (4) consumers are entitled to competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers. Although the Commission did not adopt rules in this

    Aug 09,
    - by semoadmin
  • REDMOND, Wash., July 22, 2005 Today Microsoft Corp. announced the official name of its next-generation Windows® client operating system, formerly code-named "Longhorn". Beta 1, targeted at developers and IT professionals, will be available by August 3, 2005. Read the article...

    Jul 31,
    - by semoadmin

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