The Pentagon considered developing a host of non-lethal chemical weapons that would disrupt discipline and morale among enemy troops, newly declassified documents reveal. Including a bizzare one called a "sex bomb". Read more
- Jan 14,
" reports 'a sophisticated computer hacker had access to servers at wireless giant T-Mobile for at least a year, which he used to monitor U.S. Secret Service e-mail, obtain customers' passwords and Social Security numbers, and download candid photos taken by Sidekick users, including Hollywood celebrities.' Demi Moore and Paris Hilton are involved." Read More
Jan 12,It is one of the largest computing projects on the planet, arguably employing more computers than any other single, fully managed system (we're not counting distributed computing projects here), some 200 computer science PhDs, and 600 other computer scientists. And it is all hidden behind a deceptively simple, white, Web page that contains a single one-line text box and a button that says Google Search. Read more...
Dec 09,We all know what a Magic Eye photo is? Those 3D pictures that take forever to see. Well some guy has a web site that you can not only generate one, but turn it into a movie. It is pretty cool. It took me a little while to see it, but I finely did. Ascii Stereogram Movie - Magic Eye
Nov 22,Sometime back an innovative invention hit the market for human transportation. It was call the Segway HT and it was a two wheel scooter type device that has a gyroscope that helped keep it balanced. It was considered at the time the ultimate "geek" toy. Well they have now come out with a concept vehicle that takes the same technology but they have added another pair of wheels. It is pretty cool and just like the IT the Centaur is driven by just leaning in the direction you want to go. Check it it out it looks pretty cool. They also have some video of it is action. Full Story
Oct 14,