In case you missed it, last week our national debt surpassed $18 trillion. When I am home in Missouri, I constantly hear from parents and grandparents who are worried that their children and grandchildren will not be able to live the American dream because our national debt will cripple our economy for generations. This new record debt should be a wake-up call – now is the time to reduce the size and scope of the federal government and end Washington’s spending addiction. After years of spending money that we do not have, our nation’s economy is stagnant. If nothing is done, our nation’s debt crisis threatens the future prosperity of every American. In the six years President Obama has
- Dec 05,
With Don Schrieber's and Donna Farley's daily tirade in black and white of the Daily American Republic and the nameless cowards printed in Speakout, I decided it was time to weigh in. First of all on Speakout: if you do not have the courage to put your name on it...then sit down and shut up. Don't be a coward on Speakout, send a letter to the editor and sign your name. Next I'd like to remind everyone that Doug Bagby deposited the funds from the City Cable sale into a "CITY" bank account. When Kaplan took over on August 18, the proceeds were sitting in a "CITY" bank account not a "Municipal Utility" bank account. It is clear that Bagby was not giving that money to
Dec 05,WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Jason Smith voted in favor of H.R. 5759, the Executive Amnesty Prevention Act of 2014, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 219-197-3. The bill blocks the president from using executive orders to postpone deportation of illegal aliens. Congressman Jason Smith took to the House floor earlier today to speak about the president’s executive overreach. The video of the congressman’s remarks is attached and may also be viewed on his YouTube Channel here. Transcript: “On March 28, 2011, President Obama said he would not use an executive order for amnesty explaining that – and again I quote – “temporary protective status, historically, has been used for special circumstances.” Those are his words. More
Dec 04,After hearing my woeful stories of past youth-hunt failures, my son and I were invited to a farm just outside of Poplar Bluff. My 10-year-old son and I arrived at the beautiful farm in the hills and every deer in the county began either burrowing in the ground or submerging themselves in the creek and using reeds to breathe, and the only thing we saw was a set of ears as a doe tunneled past us at 250-yards. We were taken in via ATV across a large pasture filled with cows, down a trail in the woods, across a knee-deep creek, back up a longer trail in the woods, across an even larger pasture, and down two trails in the woods
Dec 02,WASHINGTON - Affordable energy options for Missourians may be a thing of the past if President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) place additional burdensome regulations on coal-fired power plants. Coal is an effective, affordable means of energy that keeps Missouri’s utility rates low. Right now, EPA officials are attempting to wage war on coal by eliminating or restricting its use in energy production. This is not only a war on coal; it is an attack on our way of life in rural America. For too long, EPA regulations have unduly burdened all of us who rely on coal-powered energy to competitively operate businesses or farms. Some experts believe the EPA’s proposed carbon rule will be the most expensive
Nov 21,