• The above book is available at Amazon.com: Makers: The New Industrial Revolution Have you heard of The Maker Movement? I've only recently started seeing it used as a term, but it is more than just a catch phrase. I believe it is part of the return of “America, The Great”. Sometimes people, even nations stray from the path that made them great in the first place. They start taking the easy road rather than the right road. I believe this is what happened to America. When America was new, she was the land of Makers. We made everything we used. And we invented new things to make what we do easier and better than what we could in the past.

    Sep 09,
  • 6-year-old Sara Foley with a big suckerfish she caught at her Papa's campsite on Current River I'd like to state for the record, that my entry fee for the Ben Kruse Charity Crappie Tournament was meant as a donation, and I was in no way trying to compete or actually place in the tournament… and if you believe that I also have some magic beans for sale! The tournament was a big success once again thanks to all the sponsors, contestants, and most of all the folks that did all the leg work pulling it off. Another record turnout, with 77 boats, and a big crowd of spectators helped raise over $20,000 for the charity! I just can't emphasize enough

    Sep 09,
  • KENNETT - The Kennett Alliance For the Arts (KAFTA) 5th annual Fall Into Arts Festival took place this weekend at locations both on and near the city's downtown square. Kennett Friend's of Music secretary-Treasurer Libby Mobley noted there were outdoor and indoor activities and performances geared for the entire family. SEMO Little Theater actors kicked off the event Friday evening with their production of Neil Simon's play Plaza Suite. The ensemble performed on the Little Theater stage on Kennett Street near the square. The three-act play featured a number of different characters, all set in Suite 719 of New York City's Plaza Hotel. (remainder of article is below photos) [flickr_set id="72157647364974132" images_height="200"] Saturday's offerings included a farmer's market; children's story

    Sep 08,
  • TJ Shands with a big blue catfish from the Ohio River near East Prairie, MO I don’t necessarily believe that karma is a legitimate force of nature, but I’d like to think that those of us who go out of our way to be kind and helpful to others have a bit more good fortune. I have been told by more than one person that I have the uncanny ability to walk through a pig farm and come out smelling like a rose, and I always attribute that to holding the door open for people, being friendly to everyone, and trying my best to be a genuinely nice fellow. Well, apparently I let the door fall on a little old

    Sep 03,
  • Poplar Bluff, Mo. - At this Tuesday's council meeting, council will discuss workshop item D regarding rezoning a property at the corner of Northwood Dr. and Westmoor Dr. At the planning and zoning meeting earlier this week, it was clear this is a divisive issue among the neighbors. Jared Beaird purchased the property for his family dentist practice and the neighborhood appears torn as to whether it should happen. Planning and Zoning said no but ultimately it is up to council. Does the city take a more aggressive stance on commercial development or not? That's what really is at question here. Northwood, Sunset, Old Orchard, that's what we think of when the word Poplar Bluff neighborhoods is brought up. But over the

    Aug 30,

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