Have you ever wished that you could just fold up your computer monitor and put it in your pocket? Those days may not be far away. Universal Display Corporations FOLED® flexible OLEDs are organic light emitting devices that are built on flexible substrates such as plastic or metallic foil. FOLED displays can offer significant performance advantages over LCD displays that are typically built on rigid glass substrates and contain a bulky backlight. Read more...
- May 02,
StumbleUpon is a spyware-free browser tool that allows your to "stumble" the internet for different sites within your realm of interest with the click of a button. You have to oppurtunity to set up profiles to reflect the site categories you would like to view. You can choose from many different categories, such as movies, photography, pets and religion. As you stumble, you can rate the sites you view "I like it" or "Not for me", improving the accuracy of future stumbles. You can send the sites you like via email to friends and family, or write a site review for others to see. I highly recommend StumbleUpon for finding web content without spending a lot of time searching.
Apr 17,And he drives a station wagon with over $250,000.00 worth of network equipment. You need to check out this aricle. It has several photos of the car and it's equipment. The guy that drives it logs over 3,000 miles a month driveing around testing their network. An audio file is linked at the bottom of the article that has a few minute sample of the audio Verizon tests with. It's bizarre! Read more about it here
Apr 07,"For the first time ever, those who have been blind since birth will have a chance to see the world. It's still in the early stages, but this is a giant leap forward in medical science." From the linked BBC article: "U.S scientists have designed a bionic eye to allow blind people to see again. It comprises a computer chip that sits in the back of the individual's eye, linked up to a mini video camera built into glasses that they wear. Images captured by the camera are beamed to the chip, which translates them into impulses that the brain can interpret." The BBC has more...
Apr 06,Cousteau's grandson has built a robotic replica of a great white shark to better observe these animals in their natural environment. The robot-slash-submarine is able to mingle with the great white, and not draw their attention, thanks to a closed-circuit pneumatic propulsion system and cleverly disguised cameras. Do not miss the nice pictures next to the Wired article.
Apr 06,