• Photo: Property 1 sold for $828,000; property 2 sold for $789,000; property 3 sold for $1,000,000; property 4 purchase price has not been released   A tentative agreement has finally been reached between the City of Poplar Bluff, and Robert and Robin Whelan of Whelan Wealth Management, 2895 N. Westwood Blvd. “We have finally come to a tentative verbal agreement,” said Whelan. Though he did not want to comment on the exact figure agreed upon, he noted he was pleased, and particularly pleased with the speed in which the new Poplar Bluff City Council and city staff ironed out the agreement. “This had been going on for two years,” said Whelan. “There was never any reason for it to have gone on

    Aug 06,
  • Were you surprised after the harsh coverage you received by the local newspaper that the St. Louis Post-Dispatch took notice of your fight? Having the Post-Dispatch come in and do a very thorough review was a surprise and I am thankful that they saw fit to do a detailed investigation and look into things more objectively rather than dismissing my concerns so harshly. It was a breath of fresh air to see some unbiased coverage for once. They were very professional and I feel honored that they took time to listen to my side and all sides for that matter. A lot has been made of Poplar Bluff Internet’s debt to City Cable which was sold the night before

    Aug 03,
  • So after all the fights you’ve endured over the past year and a half, sitting here in the Mayor’s office, was it worth it? I think it will be once we have our new City Manager in place and things start improving in the city. Really, it’s not about me, it’s about the people who live in Poplar Bluff and about making it easier to make a living and raise their families. My family has endured a lot during my term on the city council. We do this because we want to make a difference. If I make a difference, then it’s worth it. What was going through your mind as you realized your side would be successful on election

    Aug 02,

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