Back in 1994, most of us were like Byrant Gumble..."What's that 'a' with a circle round it mean?" Unlike Mr. G, we didn't have a camera focused and recording us during our introduction to this new lingo.
- Feb 01,
Saturday Night Live's opening scene Saturday night was a VP Debate spoof. It's funny and I laughed from beginning to end. I should probably disclose, though I can't imagine it is a secret, that I'm a Christian who has very conservative Republican views and, of course, view life through that lens. I woke up this [Saturday] morning and instantly pulled up the SNL web site to watch Tina Fey and crew poke fun at Sarah Palin and, ultimately, me. Why? Because it is funny! Because it's a spoof. The first spoof two weeks ago with Hilary Clinton was hilarious. The Couric-Interview Spoof was equally funny. Honestly, if it is funny (and not crude), then I can definitely laugh and enjoy it. I
Oct 05,