Deactivations will take place on Monday May 4. Please make sure payment is received by Monday or call 573.686.9114 to pay over the phone. Leave message for callback. Check your email: We can provide iPhone and Android Smartphone and computer email setup for a $25 fee. For PC Repair check with Bill at 573 776-6598
- Oct 02,
It seems nearly impossible to fathom that someone as brilliant and funny as Robin Williams could be so tortured emotionally that he takes himself out of the human race. Yet, last week, one by one, each of us across the whole globe, fixed our attention on the sad news of this beloved actor’s suicide. Sometimes, a blip of news in the vast sea of information we are bombarded with daily, seems to slap us so hard in the face that we can almost hear the collective groan rippling through space and time. Then we all try our best to reckon with reality. And what a devastating reality Robin Williams’ death reveals - that someone who, by his very nature, brought
Aug 26,Dial-Up Access Numbers Any of our users ( / / can use the phone numbers below. Please be aware that you must use your full email address (example: or to log in not just your username (example: flarson or jcolley) as in the past. Locations Phone # Advance 573.722.9920 Annapolis 573.598.3863 Bernie 573.293.1888 Birch Tree 573.292.4004 Bloomfield 573.568.2840 Boss 573.538.1000 Bunker 573.463.1000 Campbell 573.246.2428 Cape Girardeau 573.334.9117 Centerville 573.648.2326 Charleston 573.683.2286 Columbia 573.777.1112 Deering See Hayti or Kennett Dexter 573.624.3722 Ellsinore 573.322.8421 Eminence 573.226.5005 Farmington 573.518.0137 Flat River 573.518.0137 Fredericktown 573.783.1913 Fremont 573.251.1000 Hayti 573.359.0850 Ironton/Arcadia 573.546.1932 Jackson 573.204.1706 Kennett 573.888.1310 Lesterville 573.487.1890 Malden 573.276.5951 Marble Hill 573.238.4942 Marston 573.643.2158 New Wells 573.833.6298 Oats/Black 573.623.1890 Oran
Dec 12,SETTING UP YOUR EMAIL Email on your computer Email on your iPhone Email on your Android How to Change Your Email Password PayPal your bill View Your IP Address View our Dialup Access Numbers/Areas Call for help with your service or a billing question: 573-686-9114 E-Mail:
Dec 12,Source: Poplar Bluff Schools Speaker Todd Richardson issued a Poplar Bluff High School senior a resolution on behalf of the Missouri House of Representatives on Thursday, Nov. 11, for founding Students Against Sexual Assault, the only such student-led organization in the state on the high school level as far as the legislator is aware of, he said. With full support of the R-I administration and Board of Education, Grace Hudson established SASA this school year to raise awareness and protect teens from sexual assault, and domestic and dating violence. With participation from about 70 members, presenters during monthly meetings have included martial artist Judy Schremp, Warrior Strength & Power owner, who shared self-defense techniques; and Mary Ann Allen, Haven House
Nov 18,