• THiS POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED ON May 23. semo.net is looking for a graphic artist and web site designer to begin full time. Applicants must be able to operate in Photoshop CS, Dreamweaver and produce code in HTML & CSS as well as produce animated graphics for banner advertisements. Ability to debug or write code in PHP, ASP, Java and other languages is beneficial. Send your resume plus links to web sites you've created to brian@semo.net

    May 21,
  • “…It’s amusing to read the hard-done American stories. I wonder if [Americans] realise that the price difference from one side of the Pond to the other is 300%? Two bucks a gallon in the US; well over 6 bucks a gallon in the UK..." --“Bennett” from Cambridge, England… BBC News Blog May 24, 2004 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/3736917.stm   We’re catching up to you, "Bennett". And we don’t find it amusing at all. Wo! The honeymoon is so completely over, as if I need to point that out! Yes, the American love affair with cheap gasoline has come to an abrupt, very unromantic close due to our sudden exposure to some devastating political, economic, and environmental realities---the kinds of issues that have been affecting other parts

    May 20,
  • Last time we listed a goodly number of gas-and-money-saving ideas that could immediately be put into play before you even get behind the wheel! Today we’ll look at other solid strategies for extracting the most from every gallon that goes into your tank. Keep idling your engine to a minimum, and minimize fuel waste! Apparently you don’t need to warm up these new cars for as long as they did the automotive dinosaurs of old. Also, try not to leave the motor running while you’re off doing business. I remember once reading of D.C. lawmakers introducing a “bold, new” gas-price-relief plan on the steps of a public building in 2006---and all the while a fleet of their own drivers sat

    May 16,
  • Scroll to the middle of the article for tips!    It’s a pity that the prevailing political sensibility in Washington is such that there has been no clarion call, from on high, for more prudent everyday use of available oil resources. Among other things suggestive of government taking the lead in our development of an energy culture for the new American century, we’d get really swell slogan buttons to wear! We’d get snazzy patches to sew onto our book bags and jackets, and stickers for our cars, notebooks and guitar cases! We’d see people with preternaturally beautiful teeth doing 30-second spots after every soap opera and news hour on tv, and these people would be girding us ever more securely for the

    May 14,
  • Involve every member of the family in your new gas-consumption strategy; make it a game, if you like! Most Americans are clearly reeling from the burden of staggering gasoline prices, with no end in sight. But I like to think of our consumer-paralysis as being shock-induced, and therefore temporary. The American people are nothing if not resilient; people preferring to curse the dark are well outnumbered by those with a candle at the ready. If, at this moment, you’re feeling powerless to affect oil-production channels, oil company policy, and gas-pump prices---congratulations on your excellent instincts! You’re right! For all practical purposes, you are indeed powerless in that regard. Today. But fortunately for you, your power lies elsewhere…power to create a whole

    May 13,

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