• The Delta Fair at Kennett will be from Sept. 23 to Sept. 27 and feature a number of exciting evenings planned by the fair board. The fair kicks off at 6pm Tuesday with a parade through downtown Kennett. The event's opening act will be Kennett's own rock band Jaded. A cash drawing is scheduled for 10:30pm. Wednesday will be Armband night; Senior Citizen and State School Day from 1 to 3pm. The Midway opens at 5pm and the annual rodeo will begin at 7pm, followed at 8pm by a cappella performers Blend. A cash drawing is slated for 10:30pm. Entries for the Rose Show will be accepted from 10am to 1pm Thursday; the Midway will open at 5. At 6:30pm the

    Sep 22,
  • ARBYRD - The population of this small town of 505 in rural Missouri swelled to about 1,000 people Saturday to celebrate the city's Cotton Pickin' Festival. The star of the event and its main attraction was country artist Lee Greenwood. His signature song, 1984's "God Bless The USA", reached No. 16 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart after the 9/11 terror attacks. The California native charted seven No. 1 hits during his singing career, including "Somebody's Gonna Love You", "Going, Going, Gone", "Dixie Road", "I Don't Mind the Thorns (If You're the Rose)", "Don't Underestimate My Love For You", "Heart's Aren't Made to Break (They're Made to Love)", and "Mornin' Ride". Saturday's event had the community in mind, organizers said. Proceeds

    Sep 14,
  • In its 87th year, the Stoddard County Fair will officially begin with a parade through downtown Dexter at 5:30pm on Tuesday, Sept. 16. (Exhibit entries will be accepted on the 14th and 15th) The winner of 2013's Band Competition, The Puxico Rhythm Steppers, will be the lead band for this year's parade. Immediately after the parade in Arena A there will be youth games and chicken catching; while Arena B will host the Queen's Contest. Bill Hulvey and the Side Street Band will entertain on the Midway at 7pm and Prof. Farquar and Polecat Annie will perform nightly. At 6pm Wednesday, Tyler Feller and Kryst Lyke will offer a youth ministry on the Midway. Thursday will be armband night; the

    Sep 11,
  • KENNETT - The Kennett Alliance For the Arts (KAFTA) 5th annual Fall Into Arts Festival took place this weekend at locations both on and near the city's downtown square. Kennett Friend's of Music secretary-Treasurer Libby Mobley noted there were outdoor and indoor activities and performances geared for the entire family. SEMO Little Theater actors kicked off the event Friday evening with their production of Neil Simon's play Plaza Suite. The ensemble performed on the Little Theater stage on Kennett Street near the square. The three-act play featured a number of different characters, all set in Suite 719 of New York City's Plaza Hotel. (remainder of article is below photos) [flickr_set id="72157647364974132" images_height="200"] Saturday's offerings included a farmer's market; children's story

    Sep 08,
  • BLOOMFIELD - An accused killer was granted a change of venue recently from Stoddard County and will be tried for first-degree murder in Butler County, court records indicate. Allen Dale "Smurf" McCoy, 40, of 109 Joyce, Bernie was implicated along with his wife Angela "Angie" McCoy, 43, in the 2010 stabbing death of then 67-year-old Aubrey Lee Finch of Bernie. Angela McCoy, through her Jefferson City attorney, Heather Lee Vodnansky, accepted a plea agreement in April 2013 offered by Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney Russ Oliver and will serve 85 percent of a 20-year sentence for second-degree murder, court records state. The arrangement specifies she must testify against her husband in connection with the slaying, reports indicate. Circuit Court Judge Robert

    Sep 02,

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