• No. You can continue to use your @semo.net email address. We will provide it free for at least six months. If we do have to charge for email after the first six months we will give you plenty of warning before the $1.95 charge would apply. If you have problems with your @semo.net email address, don't hesitate to call us for help at 686.9114.

    May 05,
  • Dear Cable Internet Customer, [If you do not get your Internet service over the "City Cable" network in Poplar Bluff you do not have to worry about this announcement.] The City now requires you to call in to the City Cable office (686-8020) or you will NOT be transitioned to their service and will be disconnected on May 9. In cooperation with the Council's decision, we provided City Cable with the list of customers to be transitioned over to their system on or before May 9. However, in contradiction to what Bill Bach, David Presley and Michael Pry agreed to almost a month ago, City Cable has decided to change the rules on us once again.

    May 04,
    - by semoadmin
  • Toni Becker will give you an incredible trip through the nostalgic songs of the 70s, 80s and 90s on Saturday evening (Apr 9) from 8 to 11pm at the Wine Rack. Come out and enjoy! Call for reservations 785-0999 to get a good table. [entertainment cover charge will be added to your bill]

    Apr 06,
  • semo.net is looking for a qualified individual to fill a customer service/technical support position in Poplar Bluff, Mo. Ideal candidates will have great customer service, multi-tasking, typing and communications skills, as well as proficiency in computer and internet use. Our customer service agents assist customers with internet related problems over the phone and in our office, including home networking, browser and email troubleshooting, and connectivity related issues with DSL, fixed Wireless, Cable Internet and Dialup. They handle account setups and changes, as well as process payments for our users. Customer service and/or technical support experience a must, computer/networking certification or degree a definite plus. Please stop by our office at 1877 N Westwood in Poplar Bluff to apply, or forward

    Feb 07,
    - by semoadmin
  • semo.net is looking for a qualified individual to fill a part-time Wireless Installer position in Poplar Bluff, MO, as we expand our Wireless network. Ideal candidates will have the following skills: Ability to program simple web-based routers (dlink, linksys, engenius) or can learn Can pull cable Use drills and other power tools Carry up to 50lbs Not scared of heights (roofs, ladders, etc) Able to crawl through attics and under houses Good Driving record and able to operate large vehicle Customer service and/or technical support experience are a plus. Please stop by our office at 1877 N Westwood in Poplar Bluff to apply, or forward your resumé to it@semo.net. Come join our team!

    Feb 01,
    - by semoadmin

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