• Today we were back in court because the city filed 3 more motions against us. Motion one, Wally withdrew because we had not received it. Motions two and three the judge denied on the spot. I stopped counting how many times Wally made a statement to the judge, I walked up and handed my attorney paperwork which showed Mr Duncan was not fully aware of the facts.

    Apr 04,
  • According to early results, Brannum wins by 60 votes over Edington. What a wonderful announcement! The good ole boys have been defeated tonight and decency and honor have been restored to the council seat of ward 4. I had a chance to speak with Johnny tonight and he said, "I walked the ward four times and spoke to the good people of our community. I owe this victory to the wonderful people of ward 4, plus my family and support team. I am excited to be sworn in and get to work." I cannot express to you how much fun that was to type. Brian

    Apr 03,
  • It's an important day for Poplar Bluff. Ward 4 has the opportunity to be the first ward of a new era for Poplar Bluff. End the corruption. Vote for Johnny Brannum Take Down The Good Ole' Boys. Vote for Johnny Brannum Throw the Bums Out. Vote for Johnny Brannum Take A Bite Out of Lil' Chicago. Vote for Johnny Brannum Edington Ignored 900 Voters Signatures. Vote for Johnny Brannum Edington & his Cohorts Tried to Take Away my First Amendment Rights. Vote for Johnny Brannum No matter how I say it, without your vote in Ward 4...our community will continue to be run by thugs who believe they are above the law and ignore your voice! SPEAK LOUD AT THE

    Apr 03,
  • The City of Poplar Bluff, MY City, YOUR City, asked the state of Missouri to silence me today. Many countries in this world would have granted the City's request: China, Iran, Russia, to name a few. Thank God we live in the U.S.A. where freedom of speech is a right and protected by our courts. During the hearing today, the City kept stating over and over that my blogging was an attempt to "Poison The Jury Pool." The City went so far as to suggest they might not find impartial jurors and that because of my blogs they might have to consider a change of venue.

    Mar 29,
  • There's another hearing scheduled for Thursday at 2pm before Judge Ligons to determine whether I have free speech regarding the public hearing of my case. The motion was filed today by the city following my previous blog post. You might have to read about the outcome of that hearing from another source.

    Mar 28,

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