• semo.net just opened a new broadband wireless area. If you live within five miles of the intersection of Hwy 160, Hwy 67 & Hwy 158 south of Poplar Bluff, then there's a good chance we can provide you with wireless Internet. If you live in the light yellow shaded area, you have a very good chance of getting service, the light orange area has about a 50% chance of getting service.

    Jan 02,
  • The day following the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, I saw a CNN article stating that Obama was being seen by media as "President of the World." My first thoughts were "this is more media bias" since the entire article was about how the media around the world was reacting to the results. Since I hadn't heard that term before associated with our highest office, it certainly piqued my interest. As I read that article, I found myself thinking of a dear friend that spends his life traveling throughout Europe. I emailed him asking to give me a sense of the people he meets on a day to day basis and whether they consider Obama

    Dec 15,
  • By May of this year, the next president of the United States was narrowed down to three candidates: John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. One of those three was going to be the next President of the United States. FoxNews Article: Bill's Foreign Affairs Could Cost Hillary Cabinet Post It was a close race between Obama and Clinton in the primaries (a race that might have changed with a little more time, or if Florida and Michigan not changed their voting schedule and forfeited their right to help direct that choice). Hillary Clinton was almost the democratic nominee and with the current economic crisis being seen as a republican-created mess, she would have most likely won the presidency. Okay,

    Nov 18,
  • As a republican looking back at the last election and this election, I've wondered how much really changed in this country. I remember four years ago, the bitterness and outrage that was waged against me by family and friends because I "voted red." I woke up on Wednesday morning and felt no anger, no bitterness, but I did wonder how President-elect Obama had won. In looking at an Electoral College Vote study by a professor at the University of Michigan, Mark Newman, it's interesting to see the changes that took place between this week's election and the one from four years ago.

    Nov 06,
  • One great idea can take on a life of its own, which is exactly what has happened to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s idea of bringing ordinary citizens from all over the globe together to communicate face to face, in an effort to solve differences and discover ways to live peacefully together on the planet. The People to People Ambassador Program was launched in 1956, setting in motion a vehicle wherein his mission of global citizenship did flourish.

    Nov 04,

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