• There is a very funny NFL "bad lip reading" video going around the Internet right now which lead me to watch a "Hunger Games - Bad Lip Reading" video. Embarrassingly  I spewed coffee out of my mouth onto my laptop because of my uncontrolled urge to laugh. So I decided to find a video from the "Bad Lip Reading" people which could be posted on our home page. I hope you can sit back and laugh at our Presidential Candidates along with Jim Lehrer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlwilbVYvUg

    Jan 18,
  • For those who grew up with Jodie Foster, her acceptance speech for the "Cecil B. DeMille Award" at at last night's Golden Globes was amazing. She was adorable, seemingly impromptu yet rehearsed, funny and beautiful. She was the perfect choice after 47 years of TV and the big screen: from Taxi Driver to Silence of the Lambs to Contact to Nell...Jodie Foster is an amazing actress. Her Golden Globe acceptance speech is on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=efYg0vQyPGA

    Jan 14,
    - by semoadmin
  • Even though it has been a dream for over 14 years...Amazon has finally gotten record label companies to allow their newest feature called "AutoRip." AutoRip will automatically store MP3s on your Amazon CloudPlayer as soon as you buy a CD from Amazon.com Read more about it from Amazon.com Or from ArsTechnica.com

    Jan 12,
  • With the word dirigible  one typically thinks of the Hindenburg or maybe even Snoopy on the MetLife Blimp floating over a football game. But one company is launching a new vehicle: AerosCraft's rigid-variable-buoyancy airship. The company plans on flight-testing the in the next 60-days what the CEO claims is the future of air travel. Honestly, the allure of a Land Cruise to see Iron Horse & Mount Rushmore, down the Rocky Mountains and the into the Grand Canyon. Or how about a trip across the frozen lands of Alaska, viewing the majestic wildlife and terrain. What a great vacation that would be. Below is a video of the dirigible demonstrating its hover abilities. I'm looking forward to the flight-test video in the coming months.

    Jan 07,
    - by semoadmin
  • The finds, dated to the early monarchic period and including pottery figurines of men and horses, provide rare testimony of a ritual cult in the Jerusalem region at the beginning of the period of the monarchy. Read More

    Dec 31,

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