• SPECIAL OFFER FOR semo.net: Use coupon code SEMO when you place your order and you will get a $5 discount that will cover the cost of shipping the product to you! PLUS, select COD as the payment and we'll charge your semo.net account associated with your email address. WARNING: if you use auto-pay, the payment will be processed the next time we process payments! Standard bounce charges will apply if we process an auto-draft payment and it is rejected. EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!! TONI BECKER'S NEW CD IS SHIPPING!!! That's right, Toni's new CD is now shipping and you can order it online at http://shop.ToniBecker.com.

    Apr 27,
  • Here are some things of interest in entertainment news. Peter Jackson's King Kong premiered in New York this week. For those X-men fans out there, check out the new trailer for X3. The first Narnia film has also premiered this week in the UK.

    Dec 07,
    - by semoadmin
  • Congratulations to all that participated in our first NCAA Tournament Pool. Mark Woodard of Naylor is our first place winner and will be receiving four St. Louis Cardinals baseball tickets. He is going to have a great view. Everyone else included in the list below will be receiving a $5.00 credit on their account because they beat the CEO. If the user name you used for the pool is listed below please notify billing@semo.net and let them know who you are. mwoodard firebird smungle sargern rosiered sstroup spigg justin_p_13 Mandry1 aeggers march21000 northcarolinababy tlndad whizman WILDCATS804 stewnunn jsgraham kvnintel courtneyboone 1baddude joepro AngelaWood williamsmc ronpat RICK RAULS ulrichviking

    Apr 06,
    - by semoadmin
  • ANYONE CAN PLAY BUT YOU MUST BE A SEMO.NET CUSTOMER TO WIN THE CARDINALS TICKETS OR $5 CREDIT ON YOUR ACCOUT. YOU MAY ONLY ENTER ONE TIME. MULTIPLE ENTRIES WILL CAUSE YOU TO BE DISQUALIFIED. Are you up for the challenge? The semo.net customer who wins the contest will win four fieldbox tickets (Row 6, Section 168, Seats 1-4) to the St Louis Cardinals Baseball game on April 22nd against Houston Astros. And for every semo.net customer who scores better than me (my team name is BTBecker) you will be given a $5 credit on your account in May. First you need to register: http://marchmania2005.usatoday.com/signup/signup.asp?game_id=47 After you've registered, go to the "Join an Existing Private Pool" header on the Create/Join

    Mar 14,
  • The Poplar Bluff Mules capped off a tremendous season this weekend with a win over Vashon for their second straight state championship. Semo.net would like to extend our congratulations to the Mules and Coach Patillo. Great Job Guys! More from the DAR

    Mar 14,
    - by semoadmin

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