• In 2003, I sat in on a session at a conference in San Francisco. The topic was "Smart Radios" and the discussion was thrilling. They also spoke about how there was an outside chance that our FCC would open up prime frequencies to be used without licenses. And how these smart radios were able to sense the TV Channels airspace and if it didn't sense a channel, it could use that channel.

    Sep 23,
  • RECAP: A Missouri Statute which has already been tested in the U.S. Supreme Court requires the City to sell telecommunications services "at cost" to other telecommunications companies like semo.net or Big River Telephone. But the new City Ordinance has a column labeled "cost to serve" and "New Rate" which clearly shows over $3,000 dollars profit per month has been built into the new rates.

    Sep 13,
  • The following was read at the Poplar Bluff City Council meeting during Citizen Input on July 6th, 2010. ============ My name is Brian Becker, I own Poplar Bluff Internet also known as semo.net. A month ago I stood before City Council asking for action. It’s now been 49 days of being prevented by City Cable to sign up new customers and in several instances over the past month, even lose the ones I already have.

    Jul 06,
  • One of the factors that sets our company apart is our support department. After each trouble ticket with our support team, our customer is sent a survey by email. I am constantly amazed at the number of high praises our team members get (not because they don't deserve it but because human nature's desire to be more vocal over frustrations one would expect frustration to dominate the responses). Though we sometimes get frustrated responses, the overall majority are wonderful praise of our staff. Over the past week, our team dealt with over 200 customer issues and 19 completed the survey for us. Below are the scores given in all 19 surveys and following that are the messages that accompanied the

    Jun 24,
  • Below is a press release describing semo.net's attempts to secure USDA broadband stimulus funding to make high-speed access available in our area; an area which the USDA has decided is not remote enough to qualify. USDA TILTING AT WINDMILLS: LITTLE GUY EXPOSES USDA STIMULUS BLUNDER Brian Becker owns a small Internet Service in Southeast Missouri started in 1995. Becker has documents to show that the USDA, responsible for doling out billions for Rural Broadband, has contradicted both itself and Congress. Most are skeptical at first, but a few minutes with him and you realize that $7.2B stimulus dollars hinge on one word.

    Mar 03,
    - by semoadmin

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